Bird and Bug Boxes

These boxes are quite easy to make at home, with spare pieces of wood and a few basic tools.  Many designs can be found online. However, there are a few things to bear in mind:

  • Any wood used MUST be untreated.  Wood preservatives are designed to kill insects, so are totally unsuitable here.
  • Any paint used must be a water-based acrylic type which is suitable for children's toys.
  • Tubes (such as hollow canes) intended for solitary bees need to have one end blocked or against a solid fence or wall.  Solitary bees lay the eggs for female bees at the dark end of the tube.
Simple Bug House
Simple Bug House
Edward Bear Club Bug Hotel in the churchyard
Edward Bear Club Bug Hotel in the churchyard
Attractive Bird boxes designed for different species
Attractive Bird boxes designed for different species
For the Bees
For the Bees