Wickham Bishops Biodiversity group – Spring Activities 2024
Strimming and mowing
Let’s give the bees and other pollinators a chance!
We all know a beautifully mown lawn is something to be proud of, but constantly mowing and strimming in Spring drastically reduces the opportunities for bees and other pollinators to do their work. There is not the abundance of flowering plants in Spring that there is later in the year. Once the summer plants become established the bees and other pollinators have so much more choice – but right now they need all the flowers they can get!
Perhaps just mow a few paths for a couple of months, or through the Summer would be even better. Leave strimming until later in the year. The unmown verges and small areas in your garden can be a real life-line for insects at this time of year.
There is really nothing more wonderful than watching the bees at work! Thank you for your support for wildlife in the village.
Upcoming event – Saturday 25th May, Library pond working party 10 am - 12 noon.
Come along and find out how to set up a pond for wildlife in your garden – all welcome especially families.